Friday, October 4, 2013

Busy week

Hubby had knee surgery Tuesday so it threw off my week a little. I am now doing everything around the house. Which I guess in a way it's a good thing. I'm more active this way. I had my busy gym day yesterday. Warm up walk/run on the ol DREADmill followed by BodyPump. And because that isn't enough I go back in the evening for spin! Wanted to spin again this morning but it is weigh in day at Weight Watchers. Which I was up .2 but to be expected after a free for all weekend. But I wasn't that upset about it. I had nobody to blame but myself. But had I not got right back up on that horse it would of been worse. But I'm still I the best shape I've been in in a very very very long time!

Friday, September 27, 2013

About me..........

   February of this year (2013) I went to the dr for my annual exam. When I got in the scale I weighed more than I ever had. After my exam I asked my dr for a referral because I was seriously contemplating weight loss surgery. I came home in tears my husband thought that I had gotten bad news from the dr. I told him about my weight and I wanted to see a specialist about possible surgery. He didn't like the idea about me "going under the knife" that there were other options.
   Two weeks later I decided to join Weight Watchers. I'd had success with the program in the past but didn't stick with it. I'd done the hardest part I walked in the door.  I had to think of it as a lifestyle change instead of a diet. Diets fail. But if I changed the way I did things I knew I could make this a permanent change.
   We'd already head a gym membership through my husbands job but I never took advantage of it. I was ready i had all the tools I needed I just had to put them to use.  So I went in for a tour and my free 30 minute consultation. Soon after I started Aqua Zumba and found that I loved it. So I decided to take it to land and found that was also a lot of fun. I had my cardio down but was at a loss with what to do for strength so I hired a personal trainer. I was starting to love the gym and the changes I was seeing in my body.
   I ran into a couple challenges. Friends wanting to go to lunch or dinner. The occasional get together which usually involved food and drinks. So I did my best to preplan my meals by looking up menus ahead of time. And I would bring my own beer and only enough to stay within my points.
   By the end of my first 16 weeks I was already down 25 pounds and feeling great!! Then it was time for the big move. Not just any move but to the land of great food and drink New Orleans, La!! I somehow managed to lose 2.2 pounds on the trip and our first couple days there. But the second week I was up 1.8. I've continued with the up and down. I just hit my second 16 weeks and am down a total of 38.6 pounds. My original goal was 50. I just knew I could keep up the pace I was at. But I slacked off once we got here. Didn't join a gym right away and wasn't tracking what I ate. Add that to the delicious food and daiquiris and the pounds don't fall off like they did. So I got back to the gym and tracking about 50%. The weight was still coming off but I still wasn't happy. I was off program.
   We found a gym here that I really like. I'm trying new things and am pushing myself harder. I'd heard great things about BodyPump and really wanted to give it a try. But after seeing a class I was very intimidated and thought there was no way I could do that. I finally talked myself into going to the technique class. And the instructor was amazing. Unfortunately I wasn't able to dot he class that day thanks to no power to the room the class was in. I was very disappointed. But I went back the next week. We went over a couple of the moves I was unsure of and I stayed the rocked the class. Man I was so sore the next day. Almost every muscle in my body hurt! But I LOVED it!!! That quick I was hooked! I looked for classes on other days that I could go to. I now go at least twice a week and am looking to add a third. I also tried a couple of spin classes. Wasn't sure how I felt about it other than the sore backside. Went back again and still hadn't decided. But I wasn't giving up on it just yet. Yes, I went back for a third time and tried my best to come out of the saddle. I couldn't stay out as long as the class called for but I DID IT!!!! What a great feeling.
   As of right now I workout about 5 days a week doing one thing or another. I really need to get my tail back to work since hanging out at the gym doesn't pay the bills. I just hope when I do I can keep up with eating right and moving my ass!! I'm a work in progress and I'm enjoying that progress so far. Anything worth having is worth working for and I'm worth it!